Performers' Wellbeing

Being a music or performing arts student can be both mentally and physically challenging. We understand you may need targeted support to prevent performance-related issues from affecting your studies.

How we can help

Our Performers’ Wellbeing programme allows conservatoire students to access free physiotherapy appointments, hearing checks, and Alexander Technique sessions.

We also promote performance health more generally by providing free earplugs to new students; advising vocalists on specialist vocal health support; and signposting to trusted external organisations.


All Leeds Conservatoire students can take advantage of the Performers’ Wellbeing programme once they have enrolled.

For more information, and to apply for the various initiatives, please visit the Health and Wellbeing page on our intranet.

The Alexander Technique helps participants to use their mind and body in an efficient manner, reducing the amount of wear and tear on the system. This often results in a reduction of physical pain and an enhanced sense of well-being. It can be especially useful for performers and musicians.

Alexander Technique lessons are available free of charge to full-time Leeds Conservatoire students, but numbers are limited. Periodically, group workshops may also be held.  

To find out more about the application process, contact our teacher Grant Ragsdale at

No. All Performers’ Wellbeing initiatives are free to full-time students enrolled at Leeds Conservatoire.

Hearing checks and physiotherapy are limited to one free appointment per student per academic year. However, students can access exclusive discounts on follow-up appointments. 

Contact us

For more information on our Performers’ Wellbeing programme, contact the Health and Wellbeing team on:

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