Welcome to Summer Music Camp!

Sign up today and join us for a day of music and fun. Applications close on Friday 25 April 2025.

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This one-day camp is perfect for children and young people aged 8-14 who are interested in learning about music and creating their own song. They will get hands on experience in song writing and leave with a recording of their song.



  • Starts:
  • Duration: One Day, 10.00AM - 3.30PM
  • Venue: Leeds Conservatoire
  • Fee: £30 - Bursaries Available
  • Age: 8 - 14

Generation Big Band

Course Overview

This camp is a perfect way for children and young people to learn about music and provide them with an unforgettable experience. Children will be grouped by age (8-10, and 11-14). We welcome all instruments and singers, but to get the most out of the day recommend that children and young people have been playing for at least a year.

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About the Course

In the morning they will learn about song writing, different starting points for writing music including how to structure a song, create their own melodies and write lyrics. After lunch they will practice performing their song ready to be recorded at the end of the day.

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Who Is It For?

This one-day camp is perfect for children and young people aged 8-14 who are interested in learning about music and creating their own song. They will get hands on experience in song writing and leave with a recording of their song.

All instruments are welcome!



10:15-11:15 Song writing workshop 1

11:30-12:30 Song writing workshop 2


12:30-13:00 - Lunch (not provided)

13:00-14:00 Rehearsal

14:15-15:15 Recording

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We have a bursary fund that supports students and their families dependent on their situation.

Families with a total household taxable income of £30,000 or below are awarded a full bursary where possible. 

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