Keeping Our Community Safe

Leeds Conservatoire has been working extremely closely with Leeds City Council, the Students' Union, all Higher Education Institutions in Leeds, the Luminate Education Group, the Office for Students and the Department for Education, and is committed to making our campuses, and the communities we interact with, as safe as possible.

Here is how you can find up-to-date information about the measures we are taking to protect the safety and experience of Students, Staff, Applicants and the wider community.


Contacting us

Our main switchboard number is 0113 222 3400. Many teams are hybrid working, so we may not be able to put your call through to the relevant team straight away. If you would like to make an initial enquiry by email, please use the contact us page.



The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is encouraging checking your measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination status following an increase of measles cases in England.  

Measles is very infectious, it can cause serious complications such as pneumonia, inflammation of the brain and, in rare cases, can be fatal.  

Measles can be more severe in young people and adults, often leading to hospital admissions.  

Measles starts with cold-like symptoms and sore red eyes followed by a high temperature and a red-brown blotchy rash. Anyone with symptoms that could be measles are asked to stay at home and phone their GP or NHS 111 for advice, rather than visiting the surgery or A&E. People who have symptoms should stay away from others for at least four days after the rash has appeared. 

The best way to protect yourself against measles is to have two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This is offered for free to any student from the National Health Service (NHS). It is never too late to get the vaccine and there are no risks to your health if you get an extra dose.  

If you are unsure whether you are up to date with your MMR vaccination you can contact your GP to check and book your appointment.  

For more information about measles, see the website here. 


Tackling Antisocial Behaviour and Noise Nuisance

We expect our students to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that demonstrates respect for the conservatoire, its students and staff, and members of the wider community. Every student is an ambassador for the conservatoire and, accordingly, is expected to behave in a way that enhances its reputation.

Leeds Conservatoire works in partnership with the city’s other higher education institutions, the Leeds City Council Antisocial Behaviour Team and West Yorkshire Police to tackle noise nuisance and antisocial behaviour.

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How to Report an Issue with Antisocial Behaviour or Noise Nuisance

If you are experiencing an issue with antisocial behaviour or noise nuisance from domestic properties, you should in the first instance contact the Leeds City Council Antisocial Behaviour Team:

The city’s higher education institutions work closely with the Antisocial Behaviour Team, but to enable prompt action where student residents are involved, we encourage you to also share information with the Neighbourhood Helpline in one of the following ways:

The Neighbourhood Helpline aims to respond to emails and calls within 48 hours, but this may be longer during busy periods and at weekends or holidays. Details of complaints are shared between Helpline partners to help identify students living in the properties concerned.

Allegations of student misconduct in relation to the behaviours set out in the Student Code of Conduct will be considered in accordance with the conservatoire’s Student Conduct and Disciplinary Policy.

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